史镕瑞 1雷程 1,*梁庭 1,**王涛龙 1[ ... ]陈国锋 2
1 中北大学动态测试技术国家重点实验室,山西 太原 030051
2 内蒙古动力机械研究所,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010000
原子磁强计以其高灵敏度和成本低等优势受到了越来越多的关注,如今,进一步提高原子磁强计的芯片集成度已成为主要趋势,因为它有利于生物磁性测量与成像。但是,目前实现原子磁强计小型化的主要障碍是微加工原子气室的光学元件分立。鉴于此,笔者提出一种基于新兴超表面的超紧凑片上原子气室方案,该方案将超表面与各向异性腐蚀的单晶硅相结合,在保证高灵敏度的同时提高了原子气室的集成度。该方案能够对圆偏振入射光束进行光路操纵,效率可达到80%。超表面采用厚度为500 nm的硅设计而成,可以通过基本的微加工工艺直接在原子气室上制造。所设计的新型原子气室具有集成度高、可大批量制造的优点,为未来生物磁性传感系统的发展提供了参考。
表面光学 超表面 异常折射 原子气室 原子磁强计 光路集成 
2024, 51(2): 0213001
Zhi-Dan Lei 1†Yi-Duo Xu 1†Cheng Lei 1,3Yan Zhao 1,2,4Du Wang 1,*
Author Affiliations
1 The Institute of Technological Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
2 College of Materials Science and Engineering, Sichuan University, Chengdu 610065, China
3 e-mail: leicheng@whu.edu.cn
4 e-mail: yan2000@whu.edu.cn
Optical metasurfaces (OMs) offer unprecedented control over electromagnetic waves, enabling advanced optical multiplexing. The emergence of deep learning has opened new avenues for designing OMs. However, existing deep learning methods for OMs primarily focus on forward design, which limits their design capabilities, lacks global optimization, and relies on prior knowledge. Additionally, most OMs are static, with fixed functionalities once processed. To overcome these limitations, we propose an inverse design deep learning method for dynamic OMs. Our approach comprises a forward prediction network and an inverse retrieval network. The forward prediction network establishes a mapping between meta-unit structure parameters and reflectance spectra. The inverse retrieval network generates a library of meta-unit structure parameters based on target requirements, enabling end-to-end design of OMs. By incorporating the dynamic tunability of the phase change material Sb2Te3 with inverse design deep learning, we achieve the design and verification of dynamic multifunctional OMs. Our results demonstrate OMs with multiple information channels and encryption capabilities that can realize multiple physical field optical modulation functions. When Sb2Te3 is in the amorphous state, near-field nano-printing based on meta-unit amplitude modulation is achieved for X-polarized incident light, while holographic imaging based on meta-unit phase modulation is realized for circularly polarized light. In the crystalline state, the encrypted information remains secure even with the correct polarization input, achieving double encryption. This research points towards ultra-compact, high-capacity, and highly secure information storage approaches.
Photonics Research
2024, 12(1): 123
南阳医学高等专科学校,南阳 473000
近视防控 眼视光 人才培养模式 学生社团 prevention and control of myopia optometry talent cultivation mode student society 
2023, 51(3): 32
1 西南科技大学 制造过程测试技术教育部重点实验室,四川绵阳6200
2 中国工程物理研究院 机械制造工艺研究所,四川绵阳61900
为了研究磁流变抛光液中磨粒团聚对光学玻璃元件的磨损性能,利用环境可控的直线往复式摩擦磨损试验机,以不锈钢球为对磨副,以熔石英为基底,系统地研究了磁流变抛光液中纳米金刚石磨粒团聚程度对熔石英摩擦磨损性能的影响,并利用光学显微镜、白光干涉仪等设备分析熔石英的磨损机制,最后将摩擦学实验结果与实际磁流变抛光结果进行对比。实验结果表明:纳米金刚石磨粒团聚程度越大,熔石英表面的材料去除率越大,磨损区域亚表面损伤情况越严重。当载荷为0.5 N时,熔石英在团聚磨粒作用下的磨损主要以黏着磨损为主,伴随着轻微的磨粒磨损,同时熔石英的亚表面无明显损伤;当载荷从0.5 N增加到4 N时,熔石英的磨损形式以磨粒磨损为主,熔石英的表面和亚表面出现大量损伤。采用相同磨粒团聚程度的抛光液进行熔石英磨损与磁流变抛光实验发现,熔石英在磁流变抛光过程中的材料去除率与磨损实验的材料去除率变化趋势保持一致,表明借助摩擦磨损实验在一定程度上可以预测实际磁流变抛光中的材料去除率。
磁流变抛光 磨粒团聚 纳米金刚石 熔石英 磨损性能 magnetorheological finishing abrasive agglomeration nanodiamond fused silica wear properties 
光学 精密工程
2023, 31(7): 1031
马野 1雷程 1,*梁庭 1,**冀鹏飞 1[ ... ]陈国锋 2
1 中北大学省部共建动态测试技术国家重点实验室,山西 太原 030051
2 内蒙古动力机械研究所,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010010
采用355 nm全固态紫外纳秒脉冲激光器对蓝宝石(Al2O3)进行打孔实验。通过控制变量法,对蓝宝石样品进行了打孔加工,研究了激光能量密度、重复频率和扫描速度对蓝宝石通孔质量的影响。实验结果表明,通孔边缘熔融物堆积形成的重凝区随着激光单脉冲能量的升高而减小,但是激光能量过高时,通孔附近出现沉积物,影响通孔的质量;通孔边缘的重凝区随着激光重复频率的降低而减小;通孔附近的沉积物随着激光扫描速度的降低而减少,但是速度过低时,激光脉冲的重叠率过高,导致高斯激光外围孵化效应明显,且其能量不足以使材料气化,因此扫描速度过小时孔道边缘再次出现熔融物堆积形成的重凝区。研究结果表明,采用纳秒脉冲激光加工高质量蓝宝石微通孔是可行的。
激光技术 蓝宝石通孔 控制变量法 全固态紫外纳秒激光 激光烧蚀 
2023, 50(4): 0402022
南阳医学高等专科学校, 南阳 473004
基于迷你临床演练评量(mini-CEX)和操作技能直接观察(DOPS)的实境评估法可应用于眼视光技术专业, 研究了这种评估法在综合实训中的应用效果。将我校2020级眼视光技术专业学生分为对照组和观察组, 对照组采用传统综合实训教学方法, 观察组进行基于 mini-CEX和DOPS的眼视光技术专业实境评估教学, 采用评估-反馈-改进-再评估的教学方法。两组学生在综合实训后的考核成绩均高于综合实训前, 且观察组学生的考核成绩高于对照组学生的考核成绩(P<0.001); 观察组学生对综合实训教学方法的满意度和综合实训有利于更快更好地适应实习的认可度高于对照组学生(P<0.05); 观察组学生三次的实境评估得分逐次增高, 差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。研究结果表明, 基于 mini-CEX和DOPS的眼视光技术专业实境评估法可显著提高综合实训教学效果, 使学生更快地适应实习岗位。
迷你临床演练评量 操作技能直接观察 眼视光技术 综合实训 mini-clinical evaluation exercise(mini-CEX) direct observation of procedural skills(DOPS) optometry technology comprehensive training 
2022, 50(11): 24
Author Affiliations
1 Beijing National Laboratory of Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, CAS, Beijing 100190, China
2 Institute of Laser Engineering, Osaka University, 2-6 Yamada-oka, Suita, Osaka, Japan
3 Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory, Dongguan, Guangdong 523808, China
4 Department of Advanced Photon Research, Kansai Photon Science Institute, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, 619-0215 Kyoto, Japan
5 Key Laboratory of Optical Astronomy, National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China
6 Department of Astronomy, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100875, China
7 Center for Advanced Material Diagnostic Technology, College of Engineering Physics, Shenzhen Technology University, Shenzhen 518118, China
8 Shanghai Institute of Laser Plasma, Shanghai 201800, China
9 National Laboratory on High Power Laser and Physics, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China
The Zeeman splitting effect is observed in a strong magnetic field generated by a laser-driven coil. The expanding plasma from the coil wire surface is concentrated at the coil center and interacts with the simultaneously generated magnetic field. The Cu I spectral lines at wavelengths of 510.5541, 515.3235, and 521.8202 nm are detected and analyzed. The splittings of spectral lines are used to estimate the magnetic field strength at the coil center as ∼31.4 ± 15.7 T at a laser intensity of ∼5.6 × 1015 W/cm2, which agrees well with measurements using a B-dot probe. Some other plasma parameters of the central plasma disk are also studied. The temperature is evaluated from the Cu I spectral line intensity ratio, while the electron density is estimated from the Stark broadening effect.
Matter and Radiation at Extremes
2022, 7(2): 024402
雷程 1,*武学占 1梁庭 1马野 1[ ... ]齐蕾 2
1 中北大学仪器科学与动态测试教育部重点实验室, 山西太原 030051
2 北方自动控制技术研究所, 山西太原 030006
针对紫外、可见、红外等激光器输出功率测试需求, 提出一种由传热体、吸收层、绝缘层和热电偶构成的热电堆型激光功率计。结合热效应和塞贝克效应理论, 采用 Solidworks三维设计软件构建不同关键结构尺寸的模型, 通过 ANSYS Workbench仿真软件建立了热电耦合仿真分析模型, 分析关键结构尺寸参数对输出电压以及温度分布的影响关系。采用机械加工、镀膜和喷砂工艺设计热电堆型激光功率计, 设计封装结构和电路补偿对输出电压进行放大和校准, 结果表明, 传热体厚度、热偶条对数和长度都是影响激光功率计输出电压的关键性因素。
激光功率计 热效应 塞贝克效应 热电堆 热电偶 有限元仿真分析 laser power meter, thermal effect, Seebeck effect, 
2022, 44(2): 157
Author Affiliations
1 Science and Technology on Electronic Test & Measurement Laboratory, North University of China, Taiyuan 030051, China
2 Department of Physics, Taiyuan Normal University, Jinzhong 030619, China
3 Institute of Computational and Applied Physics, Taiyuan Normal University, Jinzhong 030619, China
This paper presents an all-SiC fiber-optic Fabry-Perot (FP) pressure sensor based on the hydrophilic direct bonding technology for the applications in the harsh environment. The operating principle, fabrication, interface characteristics, and pressure response test of the proposed all-SiC pressure sensor are discussed. The FP cavity is formed by hermetically direct bonding of two-layer SiC wafers, including a thinned SiC diaphragm and a SiC wafer with an etched cavity. White light interference is used for the detection and demodulation of the sensor pressure signals. Experimental results demonstrate the sensing capabilities for the pressure range up to 800 kPa. The all-SiC structure without any intermediate layer can avoid the sensor failure caused by the thermal expansion coefficient mismatch and therefore has a great potential for pressure measurement in high temperature environments.
SiC pressure sensor optical-fiber high temperature direct bonding 
Photonic Sensors
2022, 12(2): 130
董志超 1梁庭 1,*雷程 1宫凯勋 1[ ... ]齐蕾 2
1 中北大学仪器与电子学院仪器科学与动态测试教育部重点实验室,山西 太原 030051
2 北方自动控制技术研究所,山西 太原 030051
介绍了激光射线在吸收介质中的衰减模型,通过射线功率、透镜表面温度分布、热力学性质、沉积功率、透镜折射率变化等仿真计算,分析了半导体加工过程中由光学元件吸热导致的透镜聚焦径向位置变化,通过仿真计算得出输出功率为20 W的紫外激光精细加工设备的径向聚焦位置偏移为14 μm,并且通过激光加工实验、激光共聚焦显微镜观测、台阶仪测量等方式验证了仿真分析结果,对激光加工在半导体行业中容易忽视的问题进行了比较全面的分析论证。
激光光学 紫外激光 光学元件 聚焦位置 半导体 
2022, 59(1): 0114013

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